Ancestry Solutions'
Ancestral Collectives
1810 - 1875 (~ 65 years)
Name |
Christened |
4 Mar 1810 |
Petham, Kent, England [4] |
Gender |
Male |
_UID |
E98AABB5BA23D511B6E7DD3AFA2E9C354385 |
Died |
4 Jun 1875 |
Prospect House, Princes Street, Dover, Kent, England [5] |
Person ID |
I3776 |
YoungFamily |
Last Modified |
27 Dec 2020 |
Father |
John COLLARD, c. 24 May 1772, Teynham, Kent, England |
Mother |
Mary SPILLETT?, b. of Chartham, Kent, England? |
Married |
2 Nov 1795 |
Chartham, Kent, England [6, 7] |
_UID |
4580ABB5BA23D511B6E7DD3AFA2E9C3595AF |
Family ID |
F1489 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Jane Elizabeth SPAIN, b. Abt 1809, Dover, Kent, England , d. 28 Sep 1869, Kennington, Kent, England (Age ~ 60 years) |
Married |
Jun Qtr 1845 |
East Ashford District, Kent, England (vol. 5, p. 13 or register C28X1, #11, KCC) |
_UID |
C638ACC7AAF19941BB2B57C20CE291187CAA |
Last Modified |
15 May 2022 |
Family ID |
F1492 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Sources |
- [S51] 1851 Census, England and Wales, Office of National Statistics, Kew, Surrey, England, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Kennington, Kent, England, HO107/1622; ED 3, fol. 240, p. 1, FHL film #0193523., 30 Mar 1851.
Household schedule #2, Kennington House:
Harry W. Carter, head, mar, 63, Justice of Peace and landed proprietor, born Kent, Canterbury
Louisa Carter, wife, mar, 57, born Cambridgeshire, Trumpists?
Charles P. Carter, son, unm, 24, fundholder, born Kent, Canterbury
Louisa C. C. Carter, daughter, unm, 22, fundholder, born Kent, Canterbury
Frances E. Carter, daughter, unm, 19, born Kent, Canterbury
James Collard, servant, mar, 41, butler, born Kent, Petham
Jane Collard, servant, mar, 41, housekeeper, born Kent, Dover
Martha Seedall, servant, unm, 40, housemaid, born Kent, Upper Deal
Sarah May, servant, unm, 26, housemaid, born Kent, Nackington
Sophy May, servant, unm, 34, laundry maid, born Kent, Nackington
Thomas Handcock, servant, unm, 20, footmand, born Kent, Selling
Esther Adams, servant, unm, 24, ladies maid, born Kent, Hythe
Saear Wood, servant, mar, 53, kitchen servant domestic, born kent, Chartham
Elizabeth Franklin, servant, unm, 52, cook, born Cambridgeshire, N.K.
Ann Beaks, servant, unm, 16, kitchen maid, born Kent, Hardes [Hardres]
- [S52] 1861 Census, England and Wales, Office of National Statistics, Kew, Surrey, England, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Kennington, Kent, England, RG9/516, ED 5, fol. 64, p. 3, FHL film #0542653, 7 Apr 1861.
Household schedule #2, Kennington Hall
Harry W. Carter, head, mar, 73, Justice of Peace, Dep. Lieut. for Kent, M.D. Oxen not practising F.R.S.--F.R.C., landed proprietor, fundholder, born Kent, St. Mildred, Canterbury
Louisa Carter, wife, mar, 65, landed proprietor, born Cambridgeshire
Charles P. Carter, son, unm, 34, landed proprietor, born Kent, Canterbury
Louise C.C. Carter, daughter, unm, 31, fund holder, born Kent, Canterbury
Frances E. Carter, daughter, unm, 29, fund holder, born Kent, Canterbury
Jane Collard, servant, mar, 52, house servant, born Kent, Dover
Martha Stedall, servant, unm, 50, house servant, born Kent, Deal
Mary Leigh, servant, unm, 36, house servant, born Kent, Chiddingstone
Emma Leigh, servant, unm, 38, house servant, born Kent, Chiddingstone
Sophia May, servant, unm, 44, house servant, born Kent, Nackington
Ann Bendall, servant, unm, 23, house servant, born Cambridgeshire, Bettisham
Mary Webb, servant, unm, 19, house servant, born Kent, Petham
James Collard, servant, unm, 51, house servant, born Kent, Petham
Herbert Maynard, servant, unm, 27, house servant, born Sussex, Beckley
James Jones, servant, unm, 17, house servant, born Kent, Kennington
- [S53] 1871 Census, England and Wales, Office of National Statistics, Register General Office, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Kennington, Kent, EnglandRG10/962, ED 5, fol. 68, p. 1, FHL film #0827248, 2 Apr 1871.
Household schedule #3, Kennington Hall
Louisa Carter, head, widow, 80, landed proprietor, born Cambridgeshire
Charles Pemberton Carter, son, unm, 43, landed proprietor, born Kent, Canterbury
Louise C.C. Carter, daughter, unm, 38, stock holder, born Kent, Canterbury
Frances E. Carter, daughter, unm, 36, stock holder, born Kent, Canterbury
James Collard, servant, unm, 61, butler and house steward, born Kent, Petham
John Luckhurst, servant, unm, 25, coachman, born Kent, Charing
Robert Tourner, servant, unm, 19, footman, born Kent, Penshurst
Martha Stedall, servant, unm, 59, lady's maid, born kent, Deal
Mary A. Farrier, servant,m unm, 53, nurse, born Kent, Dover
Sophia May, servant, unm, 56, cook, born Kent, Nackington
Martha A. Spring, servant, unm, 22, housemakd, born Kent, Ringwould
Sarah J. Moat, servant, unm, 23, housemaid, born Kent, Deal
Sarah A. Wenham, servant, unm, 27, laundry maid, born Sussex, Waldron
Helen Carreck, servant, unm, 18, kitchen maid, born Kent, New Romney
George Stockes, visitor, unm, 23, servant unemployed, born Kent, Thannington
- [S33] Bishop's Transcript, England, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Canterbury, Kent, England, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1736930, Petham, Kent.
- [S14] Index to Grants of Probates and Administrations, England, Principal Probate Registry, Superior Court, Family Division, London, England, (Not published), Canterbury District Registry, Canterbury, Kent, England, 4 Apr 1876.
1876. Collard James. Effects under GB3,000. 4 April. The Will with a Codicil of James Collard formerly of Kennington near Ashford in the County of Kent, Butler, but late of Prospect House, Princes street, Dover, in the said County, Gentleman, who died 4 June 1875 at Prospect House was proved at Canterbury by Mary Ann Smith (Wife of Alexander Joel Smith, Builder) of Dover, one of the Executors.
[Note: Princes Street once ran from York Street to Queen Street, but now is a short street from Durham Hill to Cowgate Hill. Considering when it was built, it was possibly named after the Prince Regent. Hartley Street ran from Durham Hill to Cowgate Hill. Around 1800 John Hartley owned the meadows adjoining what became Cowgate Cemetery and built Prospect House in Princes Street where he ran a private school for young gentlemen (later housing the Prince of Wales Sea Training School for many years). When the area behind Prospect House was built upon, this road took his name. It was demolished during the 1930s as part of a slum clearance programme. An unusual article in the Library dating from the turn of the century describes the school : 'Prospect House occupies a healthy site on elevated ground commanding fine views of Dover and castle within a few minutes walk of the sea, promenades, piers, public gardens and parks. Buildings are well constructed and perfect sanitary arrangements exist throughout - in the past 30 years only 2 cases of infectious illness were known at the school and those were slight attacks which were immediately isolated. Classrooms are well ventilated and dormitory accommodation is exceptionally good. Any boy desiring it can have a private bedroom on payments of a small additional fee. Domestic arrangements were under the special direction of Mrs Huthchinson' There was a 'sound comprehensive modern English education with preparation for various public examinations and instruction in music, drawing, commercial education, modern languages, shorthand etc'. In 1896 Master Walter Hutchinson carried off high honours for writing Pitmans shorthand by winning the Lord Warden's silver challenge for all boys at school in East Kent. The Marquis of Salisbury was Lord Warden at the time. The school was attracting increasing numbers of pupils from all parts. There were 'exceptional facilities for cricket, football and all other outdoor sports recreation with sea bathing and swimming regularly in the summer'. This school continued until at least 1905 then for some reason, probably the retirement or death of Mr Hutchinson - the school closes.]
Marriages Dec 1855
SMITH Alexander Joel, Kensington District, vol. 1a, p. 23
SPAIN Mary Ann, Kensington District, vol. 1a, p. 23
according to 1861 and 1881 census she was born at Dover circa 1819 and he at Lambeth.
1892. Smith, Alexander Joel of Princes Street, Dover, builder, died 30 August 1891. Probate Canterbury 26 March 1892 to Louisa Elizabeth Smith, spinster, and Alexander James Frederick Smith, builder. Effects GB334 4s 10d.
1892. Smith, Mary Ann of Prince's Street, Dover, widow, died 23 October 1891. Probate Canterbury 21 January 1892 to Louisa Elizabeth Smith, spinster, and Alexander James Frederick Smith, builder, and John Spain, accountant. Effects GB1,916 18s 1d.
- [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Chartham, Kent, England, Marriage Register, Entry #219, 2 Nov 1795.
John Collard of this parish, Bachelor and Mary Spillett of this parish, Spinster were married in this Church by Banns this second day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five by me T. Maxwell, Minister.
This Marriage was solemnized between us John Collard and Mary Spillett [both signed]
In the Presence of Sarah Cozens, John Shrubsole [both signed]
- [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Chartham, Kent, England, Banns Register, Entry #224, 1 Nov 1795.
Banns of Marriage between John Collard of this Parish a Bachelor and Mary Spillet of this Parish a Spinster were published on the three Sundays underwritten:
That is to say, on Sunday the 18th October 1795 by me T. Maxwell, Curate
on Sunday, the 25th October 1795 by me T. Maxwell, Curate
on Sunday, the 1st Nov 1795 by me T. Maxwell, Curate