Life on the English Manor: a study of the peasant conditions 1150-1400

Author, H. S. Bennett

Life on the English Manor: a study of the peasant conditions 1150-1400 book cover

Format: Reprint paperback, good condition
Dimensions: 351 pages, 5-5/16" x 7-15/16"
Published: 1989
Language: English
The following ISBNs are associated with this title:
ISBN - 10:
ISBN - 13:

Its scholarship, which is actually exhaustively patient, interferes not one whit with its open, positively exciting readability...No student of literature, no lover of the medieval past should be without its modest assistance.  In itself it has the quiet charm of unpretentious knowledge;  as a bridge to an age not easily approached, it is of profound usefulness.  The Saturday Review"

Contains numerous plates and woodcuts depicting life during mediaeval times.

ASR rating 26.


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